Teaching Yourself About Money…Where Do You Begin?

There you are…faced one morning, noon, or evening…with the stark reality that you don’t have a clue how to manage your money, let alone how to prepare for the R word…Retirement. Though the concept of retirement has recently moved aside and...

Pay Yourself First: The Only Way to Real Freedom

“I’ll put some money away if there’s any left over.” This is most people’s attempt at saving money for their future. Only problem is…there’s rarely any money left over. This is also called the Not Having A Plan method of...

Paying Yourself First – How it’s Going.

Habits, discipline, choice, appreciation, & gratitude:  Form new habits that serve your goals, not undermine your goals. Control your money – tell it where to go so you do not have to ask it where it went.  Choose wisely in all areas of your life, not just...

Financial Freedom…what do you complain about?

Financial freedom, like most freedoms, comes with attachments and assumptions. At the very least, it comes with individual ideas and constructs about what the phrase means and entails. I can only speak for myself, but financial freedom for me begins with this: it...