Passing on Sir Abraham Lincoln’s Knowledge

First, thank you ALL for your kind words of wisdom and appreciation and more. I had no idea I would spend the entire day in tears off and on! Wisdom for Wednesday I read this this morning (do two thises make a that?:-) and thought it wise to pass along to you…...

6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Thanks Alice…(in Wonderland, that is), Have you ever gotten up in the morning and had 6 impossible thoughts before breakfast, or before getting up, but they weren’t the kinds of thoughts Alice in Wonderland was speaking of? They were 6 things you thought...

8 Financial Tips for Your Soon-to-be College Student!

It  always strikes me as funny (in a sad sort of way:-) that parents wait until their children graduate from high school before thinking about how to teach them to manage the money they’re about to go off to college with. Someone asked me recently for some...

The Right Age to Teach Kids About Money

Question: What is the right age to start teaching kids about money? Answer: If they are breathing, they should be learning about money! OK, that may seem a little over zealous, but here’s the thing… Just like our need for oxygen from the moment we pop out...

Financial Surrender…Breathing Deeply Into What Is

Inquiry of Stuff I know, I know. The idea of surrendering to life for a lot of people puts them in a state of fear, or panic, or worse. However, the idea, and practice, of surrendering to ‘what is’ can be quite freeing, especially when it comes to money...