What the heck is WEALTHWork anyway?
In our programs, we don’t have HOMEwork, we have WEALTHWork because it’s at HOME that people who end up wealthy generally do the WORK involved with getting there. So, I’m going to start providing all sorts of WEALTHWork for you to do. Here’s your challenge:
You need to TRUST THE PROCESS!!! Do not pick and choose what WEALTHWork you ‘want’ to do; just do it! I promise it all has a point! Oh, and before you start, go find/buy yourself a nice notebook or journal because this is going to propel you forward over time like you have no idea and you’re going to want to look back and see why. Others might also want to eventually read your ‘book’ because that’s what you’re about to create. We’ll call it, “Your name”‘s Journey to the Life you WANT to LEAD! Don’t you just love it?
For a list of all the WEALTHWork Assignments to date, click the WEALTHWork page.