Thanks Alice…(in Wonderland, that is),

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and had 6 impossible thoughts before breakfast, or before getting up, but they weren’t the kinds of thoughts Alice in Wonderland was speaking of?

They were 6 things you thought impossible to fix or 6 situations you thought impossible to get out of. Or even 6 things about life or the world that were impossible to wrap your mind and/or heart around?

I dare say we all have. And I readily admit I do as well…and sometimes often.

Impossible or Just Time For a Change?

Time to cocoon

This morning is a bit contemplative for me, and I know it’s a little different to write contemplative thoughts here instead of classic financial literacy thoughts, but I suppose at 52 I can write about whatever it is I want to write about in my own blog. Isn’t that the whole point of having a blog or three?

I’m at a cross-roads with this financial literacy thing. I know in my heart it’s a good thing. I know that the information that I’ve been honored to create and disseminate has helped you because so often you tell me so. I thank you for that. It has kept me going.

But I’m reaching the end of my journey here in financial education land and I am looking for the right someone to hand it off to.

But before you shake your head in disbelief, let me share myself for a few moments.

First, I have come to realize that I am not in love with business. The business part of business bores me and this is not a good thing. Even my best friend understood this about me when she told my second husband (now my ex-husband), “Just don’t ever let her get bored!”

I am in love with creating and teaching and writing and coming up with ideas.  I’m the classic E-Myth Entrepreneur who has more ideas before breakfast than she could ever accomplish in 6 lifetimes, let alone one. I would prefer to spend my days coming up with ideas and teaching than figuring out the budget or the cash flow statement or developing strategies for this and systems for that.

Second, much of what I have done for the past couple of decades has involved sitting in front of this computer. Although I exercise regularly, eat well and stay moderately fit, it is hurting my body to sit now. I must begin to move again and I must begin to move soon.

Third, I realize that turning my financial education programs, products and services into a profit making venture in the ways I envisioned it is going to take a whole lot more time, energy and money than I am willing, wanting, or able, to invest right now. The potential for my financial education creations to make a tremendous, revolutionary impact on the world is huge but it isn’t matched by my desire or ability to make it so anymore.

Lastly, I am in love with empowering others to be responsible for themselves and I love helping others make a name for themselves and get what they want.

For example, in the past year I have helped my boyfriend launch a national business, my ex create a home fitness flooring website, a friend get a product online and a whole lot more. Though I haven’t been paid in dollars, I have been overpaid in the joy it brings me to help others move forward with their projects and to see them succeed.

Empowering Oneself is Often The Most Impossible Thought

I have started asking myself questions as if I were my own coach right now. Questions like…

• What would you like to do now?

• What would give you the most joy?

• What do you need to do to take better care of yourself?

• What would make you want to get up in the morning again?

I’m not getting clear answers yet about what I DO want to do but I AM getting clear answers about what I do NOT want to be doing. Running a financial education empire is creeping over to that NOT want to be doing side of the coaching scorecard.

Quitting vs. Choosing To Stop

In my adult workshops, I teach a section I call, Life’s Cafeteria Line that I learned from Keith Cunningham, an amazingly powerful businessman and coach. The cafeteria line is where we all start out in life (and with our projects) and gradually, as time goes by, action is taken, skills are learned, etc. we make it up to the actual stuff of life that we want: money, traveling, time to play and explore, etc.

The thing about the line is that if you get out of line, you end up going back to the beginning of the line. Some people think this is a bad thing. I think it’s just a thing and though I agree with it in theory, sometimes getting out of line is the best decision for you at the time. Sometimes the best things in life aren’t even IN the cafeteria!

Now, let’s explore this famous, but easily misunderstood quote, “Quitters never win and Winners next quit.” I don’t believe that this is exactly right. Why? Because I know a lot of successful people who (and remember that everyone has their own definition of success for themselves) have made a conscious choice to stop doing something because it either wasn’t working, wasn’t serving them or they just didn’t want to do it anymore. My belief is that this is just fine. After all, it IS your life and if you don’t want to be doing something, by all means, STOP DOING IT!

The Metamorphosis

Where does all of this leave us? You and me and the rest of the people whose challenge it seems to be to empower kids, teens and adults with financial skills and information to thrive in this interesting world we’re born into?

Well, I’m not going anywhere until I find the exact right person or company who can take The Money Game® and Camp Millionaire® on with the passion it needs to cause the paradigm shift I, and many others, believe it’s meant to have in the world.

If you are that person, or know of that person, please send them my way. And yes, I am serious.

The Unwritten Next Chapter

You know that question motivational speakers ask in their seminars often? The one that goes like this…

“What would you do right now if you knew you couldn’t fail?”

Well, the idea of failing has never caused me much angst. Failing has never been a bad thing to me, and that’s a good thing I have found over the decades. This has allowed me to take on things that, as Jacob Glass says, ‘don’t work out on paper’. Jacob ‘gives himself a good talking to’ every month in Santa Barbara and many of us pay to listen to his profound and funny take on life.

So, it is time for my own personification of Absalom. I’m starting to climb into my own cocoon and discover what’s next for myself. I’ll keep you updated on the progress.

As always, just something to think about…