I know, I know. Just the idea on ‘an affair’ makes people crazy…though it’s usually associated with a relationship of some sort. What I’m talking about here is a FINANCIAL affair…an affair where your life is turned upside down and inside out because you want someone else’s financial situation instead of working on the one you already have.
This is usually how it happens: there you are, living your own life, doing your own thing. You feel pretty peaceful and content, knowing it could be better and it could be worse, but you’re OK with what is and grateful, too.
Suddenly, someone, be it someone you know, or someone you hear about in the media, catches your attention with evidence that there is something MORE out there. This causes a little stir in what used to be the peace and calm with your financial situation.
Now don’t get me wrong, most of us admit that we’d like to have a little more money in our lives but this isn’t what I’m talking about.
I’m referring to what happens after the “stirring” when you find yourself thinking about someone ELSE’s financial status; when you let yourself get obsessed with wanting it for yourself. Not that different from the desire that sparks other kinds of affairs.
So there you are…drawn and attracted to that ‘other’ financial situation; unhappy with your own, now, to a point where it begins to affect your whole being. You can’t think of anything else. You can’t focus. The temptation is overwhelming.
Now, what?
(We’ll talk about what to do when you’re having a financial affair next week. For now, just notice…)