Recession Proof YOUR Kids: Empower Them to Thrive in Any Economy

(Note: if you’d rather listen this than read it, click here.) If you have kids, you more than likely want to make sure they grow up knowing what to do with money. And you’d probably prefer that they  know what to do THRIVE financially and not just SURVIVE...

Money Avatar…Which One Do YOU Choose?

This past weekend, I had the privilege of seeing AVATAR in 3D at an IMAX theater. What a gift that was and I recommend it. I’ve heard stories of people struggling after seeing this film but truthfully, it is just a classic tale in so many ways. What makes it so...

Why Financial Literacy Doesn’t Work (and how to fix this)

In her Time Magazine article, How to Teach Kids About Money (Jan. 12, 2010) which isn’t really what the article was about to begin with), Barbara Kiviat talks about the fact that teaching financial literacy to kids doesn’t work and why. Lewis Mandell, who evidently...