Going Home: Women’s Quest to Reconnect With Their Roots

When you do something over and over again, and if you’re paying attention, you often find commonalities and patterns. Coaching women through financial transitions has shown me a few such pattens. One pattern, however, is more pervasive than all of the rest and...

Pay Yourself First: The Only Way to Real Freedom

“I’ll put some money away if there’s any left over.” This is most people’s attempt at saving money for their future. Only problem is…there’s rarely any money left over. This is also called the Not Having A Plan method of...

What to do about debt when it gets overwhelming

I get questions from my database all of the time about what to do in this situation or that. Here’s a simple one from a person who has a relative in a bit of a bind… EMAIL: Hi Elisabeth – Can you recommend a reputable debt counseling service? A...